White Wedding

Dominate TerpPinene
Star Ratings4.5
Ratings Amount51
Strain TypeHybrid
% THC25
% CBG1

White Wedding Terpene Profile

Dominate TerpPinene
Other Terp 1Limonene
Other Terp 2Myrcene

White Wedding Info

Introducing White Wedding, a delightful hybrid weed strain 🌿 crafted by crossing Wedding Cake and GSC 🎂🍪. Created by MSIKU, this magical blend boasts a whopping 25% THC, ensuring a mind-blowing experience 💥 for seasoned cannabis enthusiasts. Let the Strain Guide customers enlighten you with their feedback: White Wedding sparks immense feelings of happiness 😄, euphoria ✨, and chattiness 🗣️.

For medical marijuana patients, White Wedding offers solace in battling symptoms related to stress, anxiety, and depression 🩺. With pinene as its dominant terpene, this strain stands out from the crowd 🌲. Brace yourself for a delightful aroma and flavor fusion of vanilla 🍦, apple 🍎, and ammonia 🌬️. Have you had the pleasure of indulging in the wonders of White Wedding? We want to hear all about your extraordinary encounter in a strain review! Share your thoughts and enlighten the community 🌟.

White Wedding Flavors


White Wedding Feelings




White Wedding May help with


White Wedding Genetics

Parent 1Wedding Cake
Parent 2GSC
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