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Central American refers to the indigenous varieties of cannabis (or landraces) that grow natively in this region of the world. Because of this region’s latitude and climate, these native landrace strains tend to be sativa in structure and effect.  ,Central American refers to the indigenous varieties of cannabis (or landraces) that grow natively in this region of

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Xanadu, named after the extravagant palace of Mongol emperor Kublai Khan, is sativa-dominant strain that delivers soaring cerebral euphoria alongside a skunky, citrus aroma. Bred by Dutchgrown Seeds, Xanadu combines a Pakistani indica called X-18 with DTC99, a Cinderella 99 and Durban Thai hybrid. Although this sativa tends to induce heady, high-energy stimulation, Xanadu anchors itself with mellow relaxation that allows one