Super Silver Haze

Dominate TerpMyrcene
Akaaka SSH
Star Ratings4.4
Ratings Amount2327
Strain TypeSativa
% THC21
% CBG1

Super Silver Haze Terpene Profile

Dominate TerpMyrcene
Other Terp 1Caryophyllene
Other Terp 2Limonene

Super Silver Haze Info

Super Silver Haze 🌿 is a sativa strain of marijuana, carefully developed by Green House Seeds 🌱. It proudly clinched the top spot at the renowned High Times Cannabis Cup in 1997, 1998, and 1999 🏆🎉. A synergy of Skunk, Northern Lights, and Haze birthed this exceptional strain, resulting in a striking, resinous appearance and a revitalizing, enduring body high 💫. Its mood-enhancing properties are particularly beneficial for combating high levels of stress or finding relief from diminished hunger or queasiness 😌.

Super Silver Haze Flavors


Super Silver Haze Feelings




Super Silver Haze May help with


Super Silver Haze Genetics

Parent 1Haze
Parent 2Northern Lights #5 x Haze
Child 1Super Lemon Haze
Child 2Super Sour Diesel

Super Silver Haze Grow Info

Grow Difdifficult
Grow Avg Highttall
Grow Avg Yeildmedium
Grow Time10 - 12
🔥 Grows best outdoors in equatorial regions between 35 degrees latitude north and south.. 🔥 Ideal for screen of green (SCROG) and low stress training (LST) methods. Sea of green (SOG) only recommended for growers skilled in height management..
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